New this month
Watscooking this week in Bengaluru,
Veg Pockets

iCooked Veg Pockets

Rs 50
Mixed with Cheese,Herbs and Veggies its a try to dig in snacks@50/pcs


Coffee Cake

iCooked Coffee Cake

Rs 50
Soft and fluffy coffee flavored cake with coffee buttercream and chocolate sauce drizzled on top.


Chocolate fudge and peanut butter frosted cake

iCooked Chocolate fudge and peanut butter frosted cake

Rs 600
Decadently homemade fudgy chocolate cake with peanut butter frosted rosettes on top. You would wanna crave for more..!


Vanilla cupcakes

iCooked Vanilla cupcakes

Rs 50
Delicious vanilla cupcakes with white choc frosting
