Your Homemade Happiness

Pamela Datta
Murugeshpalya, Bangalore, India
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Flaxseed Laddoos

iCooked Flaxseed Laddoos

Rs 250
Satiate your sweet cravings guilt free with these super food rich nutritious laddoos made with flaxseeds, whole wheat, jaggery , nuts and very little ghee. This is completely refined sugar free and ideal for those who want to stay fit and does not have a taste for all things sugary. Have it with a glass of milk at breakfast, with your evening tea or simply anytime because you are \"Hangry\" :)

Bangalore Urban

Spicy Flaxseed Chutney

iCooked Spicy Flaxseed Chutney

Rs 175
The healthy superseed gets a fiery makeover. Flaxseed/Alsi is pound fresh along with Byadgai chillies and pulses with a hint of sweet and sour from jaggery and tamarind. Goes well with your meals like rice, chapatai, paratha or you can use this instead of the regular garlic chutney on your Mumbai Vada Pavs.

Bangalore Urban

Good Ole Granola

iCooked Good Ole Granola

Rs 250
Befitting breakfast for the fit soul. Goodness of nuts, power of seeds (flaxseed, sunflower seed,pumpkin seed, watermelon seed), sweetness of honey, warmth of cinnamon all packed together with hand roasted gluten free oats. You can have it with milk or make parfaits with yoghurt or just much along the day. This is unlike the store bought granola bars that are high on calories from brown sugar and butter.

Bangalore Urban

Oats & Wholewheat Pancake Pre-Mix

iCooked Oats & Wholewheat Pancake Pre-Mix

Rs 250
Now you can make pancakes almost every day fuss free and without worrying about calories. Our Pancake Pre-Mix is Maida free and has the health of oats and wholewheat. Just mix an egg/mashed banana and milk to the pancake pre-mix and make yummy,fluffy,light and healthy pancakes at home in no time. It also contains negligible amount of sugar. INR 250 only for 500 Gms.

Bangalore Urban

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